Wednesday 11 June 2008

What is Mechatronics ?

A Japanese engineer from Yasukawa Electric Company coined the term “mechatronics” in 1969 to reflect the merging of mechanical and electrical engineering disciplines। Until the early 1980s, mechatronics meant a mechanism that is electrified. In the mid-1980s, mechatronics came to mean engineering that is the boundary between mechanics and electronics. Today, the term encompasses a large array of technologies, many of which have become well known in their own right. Each technology still has the basic element of the merging of mechanics and electronics but now also may involve much more, particularly software and information technology.

For example, many early robots resulted from mechatronics development। As robot systems became smarter, software development, in addition to the mechanical and electrical systems, became central to mechatronics.

Mechatronics gained legitimacy in academic circles in 1996 with the publication of the first refereed journal: IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. In the premier issue, the authors worked to define mechatronics. After acknowledging that many definitions have circulated, they selected the following for articles to be included in Transactions: “The synergistic integration of mechanical engineering with electronics and intelligent computer control in the design and manufacturing of industrial products and processes.”1 The authors suggested 11 topics that should fall, at least in part, under the general category of mechatronics:

modeling and design
system integration
actuators and sensors
intelligent control
motion control
vibration and noise control
micro devices and optoelectronic systems
automotive systems, and
other applications

Thursday 2 August 2007

Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of mechanical engineering, electronic engineering and software engineering. The purpose of this interdisciplinary engineering field is the study of automata from an engineering perspective and serves the purposes of controlling advanced hybrid systems. The word itself is a portmanteau of 'Mechanics' and 'Electronics'।

Mechatronics is centred on
mechanics, electronics and computing which, combined, make possible the generation of simpler, more economical, reliable and versatile systems. The portmanteau "Mechatronics" was first coined by Mr. Tetsuro Mori, a senior engineer of the Japanese company Yaskawa, in 1969. Mechatronics may alternatively be referred to as "electromechanical systems" or less often as "control and automation engineering".

Engineering cybernetics deals with the question of control engineering of mechatronic systems. It is used to control or regulate such a system; see control theory. Through collaboration the mechatronic modules perform the production goals and inherit flexible and agile manufacturing properties in the production scheme. Modern production equipment consists of mechatronic modules that are integrated according to a control architecture. The most known architectures involve hierarchy, polyarchy, heterarchy and hybrid. The methods for achieving a technical effect are described by control algorithms, which may or may not utilize formal methods in their design. Hybrid-systems important to Mechatronics include production systems, synergy drives, planetary exploration rovers, automotive subsystems such as anti-lock braking systems, spin-assist and every day equipment such as autofocus cameras, video, hard disks, CD-players, washing machines, etc.

A typical mechatronic engineering degree would involve classes in engineering
mathematics, mechanics, machine component design, mechanical design, thermodynamics, circuits and systems, electronics and communications, control theory, programming, digital signal processing, power engineering, robotics and usually a final year thesis.


Mekatronika sebagai sebuah profesionalisme berorientasi ke pasar modern। Pasar modern memiliki sifat: mengejar umur pakai produk yang singkat, tangguh berkompetisi dalam persaingan bebas, inovatif di dalam memenuhi permintaan konsumen yang bervariasi dan berbeda, dan mampu menggunakan setiap teknologi terbaru pada setiap produk terbarunya.
Mekatronika memiliki empat unsur pendukung, yaitu: teknik software, teknik kontrol, teknik mesin, dan teknik elektro। Dengan keempat unsur itu Mekatronika membangun sebuah cara memahami dan berpikir untuk mengaplikasikan setiap teknologi yang tersedia di dalam kegiatan perencanaan, produksi dan pemeliharaan hasil produksi.
Tiga level pengetahuan dan ketrampilan mekatronika। Level satu adalah level hasil produksi mekatronika yang menuntut pemakai untuk mengetahui bagaimana menggunakan dan mengoperasikannya. Level dua adalah level proses produksi yang menuntut seorang teknisi untuk mengetahui bagaimana memelihara dan memproduksi perangkat mekatronika. Level ketiga adalah level desain yang menuntut seorang rekayasawan untuk memahami pasar, teknologi terbaru dan mempertemukan keduanya di dalam bentuk sebuah produk yang baru.